Brief Overview
BioBusiness Revolution - Prof Shahi's started last week lesson with one interesting video from Microsoft. The video, which Microsoft targeted to take place on 2020, showed how we can access our health record, be reminded of our upcoming appointment with doctor, consult with doctor face to face, be reminded to take our medication with only a single touch from our home. This target that Microsoft plan to attain 9 nine years from now, will surely bring healthcare to the next level, where we can efficiently access healthcare almost everywhere. Can we really achieve this in 2020? Yes, I would say. If we recall the first lesson, we'll be reminded that we're in an exponential time now, where change can happen within a very short time. So, I'm very confident actually, that tis can be attained in the near future.
Key Takeaways
One of the presenter actually bring about a very interesting question that make me thought of it even days after the lesson itself.
'Should we continue on inventing more cures for deadly diseases or should we shift our focus to provide a better sanitation and clean water?'
This question left a deep impression in me, because the most logical answer for this, the answer for almost the whole class, is to shift our focus to provide a better sanitation and clean water. This answer is only logical, because if we can provide a better sanitation and clean water, we will eventually kill the diseases from its roots, which will be effective in the long run. However, while we focus on providing a better sanitation and clean water, we are letting millions of people, who already infected with the disease, die because we are not putting effort to cure them anymore. And how about people in the developed country (have access to a better sanitation and clean water) who are infected with the disease? We will also let them die by not inventing a better medication for them. The best scenario is being able to focus on both of them and make a significant progress simultaneously. However, we are living on earth, where best scenario is rarely happen.
So how should we go about it?
My Opinion, we should not shift our focus to provide a better sanitation and clean water, at least entirely, yet. We should still focus on inventing a better cure to deadly diseases, while simultaneously, in a way that is not distracting our focus on inventing cure, putting effort on providing a better sanitation and clean water, and eventually as time goes on, we will increase our effort on this and decreasing our focus on inventing a better cure for deadly diseases. So, we focus on curing the diseases while putting acceptable effort on providing better sanitation on the short run (hopefully) and make full access to a better sanitation and clean water as a long run target.
The class last week was really provide me with much insights and thoughts. The topics discussed and argued were really interesting to me, so I would like to give last week class overall 9/10.
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